WhatsApp 2.16.97 APK Download Now Available (Latest Version for Android)


At: 21:17:00

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WhatsApp 2.16.97 APK Download Now Available (Latest Version for Android)

A new update for WhatsApp has been released for Android, and this one is a beta update. If you are a beta tester and already have the beta version of WhatsApp installed on your device, you can go to the Play Store and update it to the latest version. If you haven’t installed the beta version yet, read on.

The new WhatsApp APK update comes with version number 2.16.97 and build number 451181. The APK file weighs 28.3 MB and can be installed on any Android device. Do note that installing beta builds can give you early access to new features or changes before they are released to the stable, public version of the app.

However, beta builds can be slightly unstable and can crash multiple times. They can also contain bugs or small issues, but that’s how betas are. If you want to download WhatsApp APK v2.16.97, you can go to apkmirror.com and download the latest version of WhatsApp APK. Then open that file on your Android device and follow the onscreen instructions. WhatsApp beta latest version will get installed on your device.

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  2. Yup, i have successfully install the Whatsapp application in android phone.

    Nice Article,

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